Clàudia Rodés Bachs
Affiliated Scientist
Clàudia Rodés Bachs

Clàudia is a post degree researcher at Wageningen University and Research (WUR) in the Netherlands. She developed her Master thesis studying the uncertainties of different policies while estimating air pollution health impacts, in collaboration with Lara Aleluia Reis in EIEE, where she is currently affiliated.

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Clàudia Rodés Bachs

Clàudia is a post degree researcher at Wageningen University and Research (WUR) in the Netherlands. She completed her Bachelor’s and Master’s degree at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya in Mathematics and Modelling mathematics respectively, undertaking an Erasmus experience at Politecnico di Milano. She developed her Master thesis studying the uncertainties of different policies while estimating air pollution health impacts, in collaboration with Lara Aleluia Reis in EIEE, where she is currently affiliated.

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